Saturday, March 24, 2012

Our First Couple Days as a Family of 4

Even though I thoroughly enjoyed my stay at IVCH, I decided to come home after 3 nights instead of staying for the fourth night.  We had signed up to have our celebration dinner on Monday evening, so instead of going home Tuesday morning we went home on Monday after our dinner.  We had actually been the only patients in the OB ward since Saturday evening, so it was really nice and quiet up there.  But as we were getting ready to leave on Monday it seemed like they had a ton of new patients in labor and all of a sudden it was crazy busy up there. 
Some pictures from our hospital stay.......

Can you tell how interested Jack is in Teagan

Ready for our celebration dinner

All dressed up and ready to go home.....shortly after this picture she pooped all over her tights and I had to change her into a sleeper
Testing our her Nap Nanny bed as soon as we arrived home
Jack was spending the night at my in-laws, so Nick and I would get our first night at home with just little Teagan to take care of.  She seems to have been on her own little schedule ever since we brought her home from the hospital.  The first couple of nights she would be ready for her last feeding of the night around 8:00, and then she would wake up every 3-4 hours to get fed throughout the night.  I was very pleased with this, I could definitely function and get used to this schedule. Right now she is sleeping in her Nap Nanny and some nights it is in our bed and some nights I put it in her pack and play that is in our room.  She sleeps wonderfully in it, I absolutely love it!!!! During the day the Nap Nanny is in our living room where we spend most of our time, and even with Jack making a ton of noise and with the TV on she still sleeps through it all.   

Jack really wasn't interested in his new sister for probably the first two weeks.  He actually didn't touch her until she was two weeks old.  But he would always comment on her, like he would say"Teagan is crying," or "Night Night Teagan".  And he would always laugh hysterically whenever Teagan would sneeze, obviously he found this quite amusing.  But he does enjoy giving Teagan high fives and knuckles and we will occasionally catch him covering her up with a blanket or a burp cloth, whatever is within his reach. The other day I actually heard him on the monitor when he was laying down for his nap say "I love you Teagan,", which was one of the sweetest things I have ever heard.  Everyday he is warming up to her a little more and I think he has finally accepted the fact that she is here to stay.  

Nick took the first week off of work to spend time with us and help around the house. But really his main job everyday was to keep Jack occupied.  And he did an absolute fantastic job of doing just that.  So while Nick was home Jack became very attached to his Daddy.  And we also noticed that he might have had his nose out of joint a little that we brought home Teagan because when we were tucking him into bed at night, he would not give me a kiss or hug if I was holding Teagan, but if Teagan wasn't around he would give me a kiss and a hug.  Now this might not sound like a big deal, but to a hormonal mommy it was absolutely heartbreaking.  Hopefully he will get over this.  But that was the only negative behavior that we saw from him.  We really enjoyed having Nick home, and I was a little nervous to see how it would be to take care of two kids all by myself all day long, but so far I have done just fine.  I just try to get up and shower before the kids wake up because then I'm not sure if a shower will actually happen.  And so far I have showered and got dressed every single day.  

Right now, I still just can't get enough of my little Teagan.  I hold her and cuddle her as much as I possibly can.  The laundry, dishes and cleaning can all wait, because I know how fast she is going to grow, so I better enjoy this loving and cuddling stage as much as I can.  And while she is sleeping (as she does a majority of the time) I get to spend some quality time with Jack.  I definitely can see where life with two kids is more demanding, but I definitely think it is something we can handle.  But for now I am just trying to enjoy every possible minute that I possibly can with both Jack and Teagan.  

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