Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Final Days Before the Arrival of Baby Girl Bazydlo

I really can't complain about how I have felt during this pregnancy.  I have been able to stay off of bed rest and I have been able to work up until my due date.  But it seemed like at 36 weeks, the big discomforts set in.  I tried to ignore them the best I could and I kept thinking to myself that even with these discomforts at least I was lucky enough to be pregnant and make it full term without any big bumps along the way.  It literally seemed like overnight I went from feeling pretty good to having swollen feet, fingers, lower back pain and on top of all of that I have lucky enough to experience the big H....HEMORRHOIDS!!!! I'm sorry, is this TMI for you???? There is no way to sugar coat it.  I just kept telling Nick that I had things going on with my body that would bring a grown man to his knees and make him curl up in the fetal position.  I also had a few nights where I was having lower back pain and I thought for sure that I might be going into labor.  And during these moments I kept thinking to myself, "I can't go into labor now because I have everything planned out for the 24th and all of my laundry isn't done." But I just kept reminding myself that it would all be worth it in the end. I didn't have all of these discomforts with Jack, but that also might have been due to the fact that he was born at 37 weeks, rather than 39 weeks like this baby.  I also had my bag packed with Jack a month or so early, and with this one I was packing it, and then pulling out items like comfy pants and shirts to wear and then re-washing them and re-packing it and so on, until it was finally packed for good the night before our scheduled c-section.  And once again, THANK GOD for leggings and long tunics for being in style right now because at least I was able to dress comfortably to work everyday.  And since my feet were swelling, my grey UGG sweater boots were the only shoes that fit as comfortably in the afternoon as they did in the morning.  They felt like slippers on my feet. 

I was originally planning on working up until the day I delivered, but then I decided for my own piece of mind, I better take off the day before just to make sure everything was in place, such as groceries, bills payed, etc.... And thank goodness that I was able to schedule a last minute cleaning session with my cleaning lady two days before I delivered.  That really took a ton of weight off of my shoulders.  It was so nice leaving for the hospital knowing that my house was all spick and span, and that it would be just as clean when I came home from the hospital.  

Jack must have sensed that something was going on because he was super clingy and only wanted his mommy for a week or so before Teagan arrived.  And usually he is totally fine with Nick giving him a bath or changing him or taking him to the store or whatever else.  But he always had to make sure that he knew where I was when we were home and he had to hold my hand or sit on my lap if we were at home or at my mom's house or anywhere else.  Which I'm not complaining about the extra love that he was giving me, but there wasn't as much room for him to sit on my lap as there used to be, so that was a bit uncomfortable.  This also made me think about how he was going to react to his new baby sister, especially once he realizes that she is actually living with us and that she is not going to go away anytime soon????? 

So these are some of the things that we were up to while we were awaiting the arrival of our precious baby girl.  I will post the story of her arrival and how we have been surviving as the parents of 2 children later, but for right now Jack is asking for waffles and Teagan needs to be fed.   

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