The day before Teagan was born, I had many happy, yet sad emotions that I kept feeling throughout the day. I was extremely excited to finally meet our baby girl, but I was also saddened at the fact that I would no longer be pregnant and that I would no longer experience all of those kicks and jabs that have entertained me for the past 20 or so weeks. Now granted, the last week or so of the pregnancy was uncomfortable, but i really did enjoy being pregnant. Especially since I was able to make it full term and I was able to stay off of bedrest. I was also saddened/happy to think that starting that next day, we would go from a family of 3 to a family of 4, and I was anxious to see how Jack would react to all of the changes that were going to take place. How would I handle taking care of two kids? How would Jack react to this new little sister? I just knew that there were so many changes that we were all going to experience.
Jack was going to stay at my in-laws the night before the csection. I thought about having him go to the hospital before I went into surgery, but since he has been so clingy to me lately I was nervous about how he would react when he saw me hooked up to the IV and what would he do when they wheeled me away to surgery? And not only would he see Nick following me into surgery, but he would also have to see his other favorite person, my mom...a.k.a. Grandma Boo, also joining us in the operating room. Dr. Guzman, being the awesome guy that he is, was going to let my mom be in the operating room for the delivery. I thought that was so nice of him, especially since they usually only let the dad's be in there. So the plan was for Jack to come up to the hospital around 11:00 or 12:00 after I was out of recovery, yet before he completely hit the wall and was totally in need of a nap. I was sad when we dropped him off that night. Never again would we be a family of 3 and I was going to miss him while I was in the hospital. Granted he would be visiting us a couple of times everyday, but I would still miss being home with him. He was going to stay with my in-laws Thursday and Friday nights, my parents Saturday and Sunday and then back to my in-laws on Monday night. I really don't know why I was feeling so bad for Jack because I knew that he would be getting plenty of attention and love while the three of us were hanging out at IVCH.
I really had difficulty falling asleep that night. I had received the phone call earlier that day telling me to show up at 5:30 am, and that I was not allowed to eat or drink after midnight. Now I usually don't eat or drink after midnight bc I am usually sleeping, but knowing that you CAN'T do something makes you want to do it even more. I knew I should eat something for dinner, but I was so nervous and anxious that I just couldn't get myself to eat anything. I finally settled on some rice cakes and a smoothie while I was watching Private Practice. Even though I was trying to stay relaxed and get some rest, I just couldn't stop thinking about what was going to take place bright and early the next morning. I usually do ok with anesthesia, but this time I was really nervous about it, and I have no idea why. I was worried about getting sick, or shivering through the entire surgery and hoping that I wouldn't get one of those terrible spinal headaches. I decided to check and double check my hospital bag, and check and double check that the camcorder and the camera battery were both fully charged. Then I sort of wandered the house and looked for little things to do, but to my surprise my nesting tendencies had already taken care of all of those last minute things.
So I finally decided that I should try and get some sleep around 11:00. I'm not quite sure when I fell asleep because even when I was lying in bed halfway awake, I refused to open my eyes and look at the clock. But I can tell you that my 3:30 am alarm went off sooner that I thought it would. But I quickly jumped out of bed and headed for the shower. Finally, the day that we have been looking forward to is finally here!!!!
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