We seemed to have slipped right back into our usual school routine rather smoothly this year. Now just because it was a smooth transition does not mean that we don't miss our laid back days of summer, but we will manage. My alarm goes off around 5:00 am, but I usually hit the snooze button a time or two. Once I decide to get out of bed (usually around 5:20 am) my feet definitely hit the ground running. Into the shower I go to start the mad dash of a day that lies ahead. Since my new and unusual craving for baby #2 is root beer, I treat myself to a quick drink after I get out of the shower. Then it is on to doing my hair and makeup.
I am dressed and ready to go by 6:20 am, and by 6:30am I starting to make some noise to help Jack wake up in a slow and comfortable manner. He is usually a morning person, but just like anyone else, he's not a fan of being abruptly woken up. Most times he is all smiles while he change his diaper and take him out of his pajamas and into his threads for his fun filled day at Linda's. Then it is out to the living room where Jack will randomly play with the light switches and turn the ceiling fan on and off a couple of times before he is ready for his breakfast. Jack's breakfast of choice is powdered sugar donuts or waffles. Since Mickey Mouse Clubhouse doesn't come on until 7:00, I will turn on an episode that I have on the DVR so he can have his daily dose of Mickey Mouse before he steps out the door. Once he is settled and eating his breakfast, I am off to the kitchen to prepare my other daily craving for baby #2, eggs and toast. I could not even look at eggs or think about eggs with Jack, but for some reason for the past 2 months I cannot get enough eggs. Lately I have wanted them scrambled with a tiny bit of shredded cheese in them. YUMMY! After breakfast it all cleaned up I also take in a little bit of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with my little guy. Then depending on whether or not I want to get to school early or not, we are out the door anywhere between 7:15-7:25.
I usually pull up to Linda's house at 7:45, after a quick chat with her I am headed back to my car and while I am walking I can usually hear Jack ask Linda, "Is she coming back?" That is his new favorite line to say. It is pretty cute.
I am back in my car and ready to finish my morning route to work. By 7:50 or so I am in my classroom and ready to dig into some planning, grading, paper work or replying to any emails or phone calls that may have popped up. And you can also throw in a number of casual conversations that might take place with any one of my friendly co-workers. And the possible questions/complaints that may have to do with any one of my students, but that's ok bc it comes with the job.
I see my first students at 8:40, and it is pretty much nonstop until the end of bus duty around 3:20 or so. By 3:35 I am out the door and into my car to head on my way back to Linda's to encounter a smiley faced little boy that is ever so happy to see his mommy. Seeing how excited he is when he sees me walking up the sidewalk just melts my heart, it makes going to work and picking him up after work much more rewarding.
After work we are off to run any random errands or stops that need to be done. On Wednesdays we head to my grandma's to have dinner with her. I think she enjoys the entertainment and randoms words and songs that come out of Jack's mouth. We try to stop there 1-2 nights after work. If it isn't a Wednesday, we are headed home to try and figure out what we should do for dinner. Thank goodness Nick doesn't expect and want huge homemade meals, because lately I just haven't been wanting to cook a lot. When dinner is done, it is probably time for some laundry, pick up the house a little, water my flowers, pay some bills and sometimes we don't do any of these, but instead we just kick back and watch a little TV.
At 7:30pm it is time for Jack to get a bath. After bathtime, the three of us lay in our bed together and watch TV. Usually Jack is running around, jumping on the bed, followed by stopping all of the madness moves that he has to embrace either Nick or I in a hug and then randomly starting to count and say his numbers or singing one of the many songs that he has to hear on the children's music CD that is constantly playing in my car on our many travels. By 8:15, Jack is in his crib and hopefully close to falling asleep. And I can honestly say that I am not very far behind him. After he is in bed, I pack my bag and lunch for work the next day and wash my face. Then I usually make the nightly phone call to my mom (I seriously think that we talk on the phone 3-5 times a day) and then it is off to night night land for me. And then we start the whole routine over again the next day.
After typing all of this out, I have come to the conclusion that I really miss our laid back summer days.
OMG! Why do you get up so early? I get up at 6:15 to get out the door at 7! I get Clayton up at 6:45...he does not get the nice wake up time that Jack gets:) I don't think I would make it through the day if I was up at 5:20-especially pregnant!