So today when I was at the Dr. for my monthly ultrasound, I asked the tech if she could tell what it was yet. She didn't know if she would be able to but she said she would try. With Jack I found out around 16 weeks, but this time I still had mixed feelings of whether or not I was ready to know the sex of the baby. But before I knew it, she was point everything out to me, but reminded me that nothing is 100% until the 20 week ultrasound. So just in case anything were to change, we are holding out on telling until the 20 week check up. But I am not totally convinced that I will be able to hold out until then, so we will see. But no worries to some of my friends and co-workers that have been wondering, we are not going to even attempt to keep it a secret this time around, that was way too hard the last time. But I must say that we definitely have a little mover and shaker on our hands. The tech was having a hard time getting some of the measurements and heart beat because the little peanut just wouldn't hold still. I guess I only have myself to blame because of my little daily dose of caffeine.
So now the battle over the names will begin. I am truly convinced that Jack might have been the only name on the face of this planet that Nick and I could both agree on. And we can't have both of our kids named Jack, so something will have to give. And no, if it is a girl Jill is definitely not at the top of our list. And I also had a good check up, so that was definitely a relief.
glad to hear check up went good....I'm laughing at the caffeine bit. But hey I had a mover and a shaker too...we must do what we gotta do! lol!