Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dr. Appointment @ 17w 5d Pregnant

I had another Dr. appointment this afternoon to make sure that everything was still doing good with my cervix.  And some good news.....everything looked great! So now we are anxiously waiting for our next appointment and ultrasound on October 18th so we can finally officially say whether we are having a boy or a girl.  Today the baby's heart beat was between 158-160 bpm.  And since my appointment wasn't until 1:30 and I had to take the entire afternoon off from work, my mom treated me to lunch at the Uptown before my appointment.  Since I didn't have an ultrasound, I don't have any pictures to post, but I promise to have some posted after the next appointment. 


  1. Sailor's heartbeat was always around 158-160 range so I'm gonna say GIRL!

  2. I am with Alicia...GIRL!!! ;) Afterall, you have to follow the trend!!
