Sunday, June 24, 2012

Jack's First Baseball Game

I'm pretty sure that since the day Jack was born, Nick has been counting down the days until he could take him to a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game.  And last weekend, that day had finally arrived.  It was a weekend full of firsts for our kiddos.  Teagan would be enjoying her first sleepover at Grandma Boo's house while Nick, Jack and I ventured to St. Louis for the baseball game. 

Since we were leaving bright and early on Saturday morning, we decided it would be best for Teagan to spend Friday night at my parents house.  And thank goodness we did that because there is no way that we could have fit all of her stuff (swing, playmat and bouncy seat) in the back of the car along with our bags.  On Saturday morning the three of us were awake, dressed, fed and the car was packed and on the road by 8:15.  To our surprise Jack either sang or talked the entire time we were in the car.  It was rather entertaining.  By the time we arrived at our hotel, we were all ready to get out of the car.  Since the game started at 1:00, we had just enough time to check in, unpack, freshen up and head to the game.  

Bush Stadium  has a really nice family pavilion with a play area for the kids to run around in.......

This is Jack's new smile, not sure why he thinks he has to close his eyes in every picture

Nick had strategically picked out our seats.  And I have to give him credit because it was the perfect spot for Jack.  We were in the last row of our section, and there was a walkway open area with concession stands, vendors and restrooms behind our seats.  So whenever Jack would get antsy and want to walk around, Nick was able to take him for a little walk and then he was ready to take in some more of the game.  

Jack was really well behaved at the game and it was VERY hot out that day. Jack loves to cheer and clap, so whenever anyone around us would clap or cheer Jack would start clapping, he likes to cheer for both of the teams, not just the Cardinals.  

We stayed at the game for 6 whole innings, and when we decided to leave, Jack was still being really good, but you could tell that it could go from being a great experience to a bad experience at any moment.  Our hotel was right across the street, so we went back to our room to watch the rest of the game and cool down a bit.  We had a great view of Bush Stadium from our hotel room.  

Nick's sister, her husband and their two boys were also in St. Louis for the game. 
So all of us headed down to Laclede's Landing and enjoyed a delicious dinner at Morgan Street Brewery.  

By the time dinner was over Jack had that blank and quiet dazed stair going on, the look of complete exhaustion from the day's events.  But he was still very well behaved.  So we headed back to the hotel and called it an early night.  

The next morning we ate breakfast at our hotel and then headed back home.  I must say that I was rather anxious to get back to our little Teagan.  I could not wait to see her smiling face.  And I was happy to hear that she was very good for my mom.  The little stinker actually slept from 8:00pm to almost 9:00am!!! She never does that for me!!!! And once again on the car ride home, Jack talked and sang the entire time.  

We had a really fun time in St. Louis and we are anxious to head back down there on July 4th for the air show.  I'm interested to see how Jack reacts to the airplanes and the noise.....hopefully it's not a total meltdown.  

Here are some pictures that my mom sent to us of Teagan while she was staying at her house.....

Bella was a wonderful babysitter, very protective


4 Months Old

It really seems like our little Teagan has blossomed during the last month.  You can tell that she is totally aware of pretty much everything that goes on around her, especially when it comes to watching her big Brother.  She has also become a huge fan of her Daddy, she just lights up when he talks to her or makes faces at her.  The little Princess already has him wrapped around her finger.  
Kisses for Daddy before bedtime

Our little sweetheart has a huge chubby cheek smile that just lights up the room, and her adorable belly laugh matches her adorable smile. I could literally just eat her up!

Her expression in this picture just makes me smile

Teagan is staying awake more throughout the day.  She is usually ready for her morning nap by 9:00am, which will last about two hours, and then her afternoon nap around 1:00pm, which also usually lasts about two hours.  This schedule is pretty much concrete on the days that we are actually home, but since we are usually on the go to swimming lessons and to the pool, Teagan does nap a lot in her car seat....poor thing :-(  Some nights she will take a nap around 6:00pm, but this one only lasts about one hour.  I have been giving her a bath at 8:30pm, and by 8:45pm she is pretty much shot and she is ready to call it a night.  She still isn't sleeping through the night consistently.  I guess she still wants to keep me guessing.  Some nights she will wake up at 1:00am, some nights 3:00am, and some nights she will stretch it out and sleep until 5:00am.....I just never know what she is going to do.  But one thing is for sure, when she does wake up, she eats and goes right back down to sleep, so it doesn't take very long at all.  

Smiles for Mommy

Getting ready to fall asleep in her car seat while we are taking a walk

Relaxing at the pool

Teagan still loves her swing
Teagan has done very well with going from being exclusively breastfed to formula fed.  It actually seems to have helped her projectile spit up episodes a bit, but she still has her spit up moments.  Teagan is still in size 2 diapers and she can still wear some of her 3 month clothes, but most of her clothes and sleepers are 6 months.  We definitely have a growing little girl. We are going to see Dr. Leifheit next week for her 4 month check up, so I am interested to see how much she has grown.  Unlike Jack did at this age, Teagan has not gone completely bald, and she has more hair coming in and it seems to be blonde so far.  And Teagan's eyes are continuing to stay blue, people seem to comment on just how blue her eyes are.  I guess they really seem to stand out next to her brother's almost black eyes.  

Teagan still loves the swing, her bouncy seat and her floor playmat.  She has started to grab the toys that dangle down at her, and at first she didn't quite know what to do when she actually got ahold of them.  But she has figured that out, she tries to put the toys into her mouth.  And speaking of putting things in her mouth, Teagan puts EVERYTHING in her mouth....her blankets, her hands, her clothes, other peoples hands and clothes, her toys, yet surprisingly she isn't a fan of the pacifier, go I will really have to watch her when she starts moving around.   

Smiley Girl hanging out in her swing

Looking stylish in her really dresses up the white onesie don't you think?

Hanging out in the driveway in her Bumbo seat
I can't believe how fast the last 4 months have gone by.  We love you very much Teagan Marion, you have brought an abundance of happiness to our family.  

2 Month Check-Up

Way back on April 26, 2012, Teagan had her 2 month check up with Dr. Leifheit.  Teagan weighed in at 12 lbs. 5 oz. and she was 23 inches long.  Teagan is weighing a little more than Jack did at this age, but she also was born a little bigger than he was.  At 2 months Jack weighed 10 lbs. 8 oz and was 22 1/2 inches long.  I am interested to see if she takes after her brother and falls a little on the chunky side, or as we like to say "healthy". 

A few days after the appointment we went to the Hygienic Institute so Teagan could get her first round of vaccinations.  This was not a very enjoyable experience (as I already mentioned in her 3 month post).  I am definitely planning on giving her a little Motrin before her next round of shots, the poor girl was definitely in some pain.  

3 Months Old

I realize that this is a month late.....but better late than never

Our sweet and precious Baby Girl is already 3 months old.  This month she has really started to keep me guessing.....some nights she will sleep through the night, some nights she won't, sometimes she is an excellent nurser, sometimes she would rather have it from a bottle, some days she is very passive and easy going, and other days she just can't get enough of my attention....but really we cannot complain, because she is overall a very easy and enjoyable little girl. 

At 3 months old, Teagan's eyes are still a beautiful blue color.  At times Jack and Teagan resemble one another, but yet they still have their own distinct looks.  She is starting to become more vocal, I just can't get enough of all of her little cooing and noises that she makes.  Her new trick this month is that she likes to rub and bury her face in her blankets and she pretty much sucks on them when she is hungry or tired. She literally attacks her blankets. If I dangle it in front of her face, she gets excited and she starts kicking and moving all around until I actually give it to her.  She almost always falls asleep with a very tight grip on her blanket, I think it is safe to say that she is definitely going to be one of those kids that has a security blanket.

Pictures of Teagan attacking her blankets 

At 7 1/2 weeks Teagan started sleeping through the night.  That continued for about 3 weeks, and right when I was getting used to it, she decided she was going to wake up around 2:30 am to eat.  This all started the same night she had her first round of immunizations.  That was definitely not an enjoyable experience.  I opted to get the rotovirus(sp?) vaccine along with everything else (they really weren't pushing it when Jack was younger, but now they are a little more), which is an oral vaccine, (I know I forgot to mention it, but Teagan is definitely a gagger and spitter upper).  They gave her the oral before they gave her the other shots, and needless to say that she cried so hard from the shots that she ended up pretty much throwing up the entire rotovirus vaccine, so I'm not really sure how beneficial that was???? Later that night her left leg was red and swollen and the poor little thing was just miserable.  So we had to put a cold compress on her leg and we also had to give her a touch of Benadryl and some Motrin for the pain and reaction that she was having to the shots.  So I am really not looking forward to Teagan getting more shots at her 4 month appointment. 

Teagan did great with going to Linda's house while I went back to work for the last two weeks of the school year.  I can honestly say that I wasn't really nervous with taking her there because I trust Linda so much and she always does such a great job with Jack, so I knew that Teagan would not be lacking in love or attention.  

Teagan has added so much happiness and joy to our family, we cannot imagine life without her.  Happy 3 Months Teagan Marion Bazydlo, we love you. 

Enjoying the view from her bouncy seat

The girl can really put on a pouty face

This picture just cracks me up