Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Teagan is 2 Months Old

I caught this big smile on my phone when I was ready to change her out of the tutu and my camera was in the other room

Our precious little Teagan is 2 months old!!!! And we are starting to notice that her little personality is starting to come out. She is your typical woman....when she is hungry, she wants to eat RIGHT NOW, when she is tired she seems to toss and turn until she finds her comfortable position, and sometimes when she has had enough she doesn't want to be held, she doesn't want to be touched,  she just wants to be left alone underneath the toys and light up things on her floor play mat.  But most importantly she is still really easy going, relaxed and a real sweetheart.  Teagan still loves to snuggle up and be held over the shoulder.

 Teagan still has the prettiest blue eyes and her chubby little cheekers are really starting to plump out, I just want to squeeze them.  Her new hair seems to be coming in, so hopefully she won't go completely bald like her brother did.  If she does we will just cover it up with a headband and bow. 

At 2 months, Teagan is still an excellent nurser, very quick and efficient.  But you can tell when she is going through a growth spurt because the cluster feeding begins, it's safe to say that I don't get much done on those days. And let me tell you, this little girl is definitely packing on the pounds, so I know that she is getting enough to eat. I'm not quite sure what she weighs but I will definitely find out when we go to her 2 month check up later this week. 
During the day she likes to eat every 2-3 hours. She usually wakes up around 6:30am, eats, stays awake for about 2 hours and then is ready to eat again and go down for a nap.  Then I like to wake her up and feed her before we go on our morning walks at 10:30, which she usually sleeps through most of the walk. The rest of the afternoon is kind of scattered with her napping, a little bit here and a little bit there, but she does always take a little cap nap around 6:00 pm.  She has her last feeding around 9:00 pm, usually falls asleep at 10:00 pm and wakes up to eat again around 3:30 am.  She sometimes surprises us with sleeping through the night and not waking up to eat again until 5:00 am, and the next night she will wake up at 2:30 am to eat, I guess she likes to keep us guessing.  She is still sleeping in her Nap Nanny in our room and I probably won't move her into her crib until she is sleeping through the night all of the time because I'm afraid when she wakes up she will also wake Jack up, and we don't want that.  She does sleep best when she is swaddled all nice and snug. 

Teagan is starting to stay awake a little more during the day, but I can't really say that we have a set schedule yet with napping because we always seems to be on the go during the day so she tends to fall asleep in her car seat and she does a lot of cap napping in there.  

The adorable baby babbling and cooing has started and we absolutely love it! Teagan has also started smiling up a storm and loves being talked to.  She really seems to be studying everything and taking it all in. Her happiest time during the day is in the morning before she goes down for her morning nap, that's when she likes to show off her smiling skills.  

Teagan has learned to LOVE bath time.  At first she wasn't a fan, but now she just can't seem to get enough.  I give her a bath every night, it especially helps with keeping her awake and putting her in a good mood when she is ready to go to sleep at 7:00 pm and we are trying to keep her awake.  That bath must give her a second wind because she ends up not falling asleep until 10:00pm.

 Jack is really starting to be affectionate and loving towards his little sister.  He is now asking to hug her and kiss her all the time.  And he is very worried when we are leaving the house that I am going to forget to take Teagan with us.  He runs over to her car seat and tries to pick it up while he tells me, "get Teagan, get Teagan.", he must think I am forgetful or something. At first he completely ignored her, and now I am fearful that he is going to try and pick her up when I'm not looking, so I think it is safe to say that he likes his baby sister.  

Watching Teagan do Tummy Time

Notice the blanket, Jack must have thought that Teagan looked chilly

Checking out Teagan's toy
 Teagan has added a little extra happiness and love to our little family and we can't wait to watch her grow even more.  

Happy 2 Months Teagan Marion.....We Love You

 Here are some other random pictures of Teagan you might enjoy......

Peaking out during one of our walks

She has such a sweet look on her face in this picture

Mom, why am I all dressed up? I thought we were just going to Target?


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Deciding on a Name

Even though Teagan is already 6 1/2 weeks old, I wanted to blog about how we decided on her name because I was afraid I would forget.  Once we found out we were having a girl we started coming up with names that we both liked.  Nick and I really couldn't decide on a name that we both liked.  Some of my favorites were: Makenna, Teagan, Francesca "Frankie", and Bailey.  Nick's favorites were: Katelyn, Ashley and Lauren.  So one night I did a google search for baby girl names, and on one of the sites I saw the name Teagan.  I brought the name up to Nick and he said he liked it.  Then as time got closer to Teagan's arrival, I started liking the name Makenna.  And whenever I would bring it up Nick would say that he really liked Teagan or Katelyn and he thought we already decided on Teagan.  So then I kind of told myself that if she came out with dark hair and dark skin like Jack had she would be a Makenna, and if she was lighter she would be Teagan....but I still really wanted Makenna.  So after I came out of recovery and I finally got to meet my little peanut, I was shocked at how much lighter she was then Jack.  And we had so many visitors the day she was born that Nick and I didn't even get a chance to talk about a name.  But for some reason she just didn't look like a Makenna to me. I kept tossing around the names all afternoon, and I actually said that we were going to call her Makenna for one hour to see if it stuck. And finally around 6:00 pm, it just hit me, she was not a Makenna, she definitely looked like a Teagan.  So we told the nurse to do the paperwork for her name before I changed my mind.  And now I cannot see her with the name Makenna at all, she is definitely our little Teagan.  

Our Precious Little Teagan