I cannot believe it has already been 6 months since Teagan was born. Even though it seems as though time is flying by, I can't really remember what it was like to just have 1 kid to take care of, it almost seems as though we have always been a family of 4.
Teagan continues to be a relaxed, easy going, calm, happy and sweet little girl. Family and friends always comment on how laid back Teagan is. I am savoring every moment of this calm and sweetness, because I am sure that this to will change with time.
Teagan's eyes are still a beautiful blue color and her two dimples are as prominent as ever. Her hair is coming in more and more each day, and so far it looks like she is going to be a blonde. Teagan definitely has a "healthy" build. At her 6 month check up she weighed 17 lbs. 9 ozs and she was 26 inches long, placing her between the 75th and 80th percentiles for both. Obviously Teagan is a big fan of baby food. She has learned to love all of the fruits and vegetables, and she is a rather agressive eater, she definitely means business when it comes to eating her food. Teagan is currently wearing size 3 in diapers and even though she can still squeeze into 6 months outfits, it is safe to say that she is wearing 9 month outfits.

Teagan is rolling over a ton. I actually sometimes feel like she is secretly crawling when I am out of the room because I will put her down on a blanket, leave the room for a couple of minutes, and when I return she is completely off of the blanket and facing a totally different direction. I feel that we might have a crawler on our hands in the near future. We have been practicing sitting up, but she is still a little wobbly. Teagan's main source of entertainment is watching and interacting with Jack. He is able to get some of the biggest belly laughs out of her. Teagan still enjoys sitting in her swing, playing on her playmat and she is learning to like her jumper. I think she will enjoy it a lot more when her entire foot can actually touch the ground rather than just her tippy toes.

As far as sleeping goes, Teagan still likes to keep me guessing. I have figured out that if I hold off on feeding her dinner until 8:00, follow it up with a bath, and give her the bottle after that, she will usually sleep through the night. But every now and then she will throw in a 3:00 am crying session, that usually results in me feeding her. Her sleeping has been a little off this past week, but it is pretty apparent that it is due to her tooth that is coming in. She will wake up crying, tugging on her ear and practically trying to eat her hands. And along with teething comes all of that fun drooling.
Teagan still enjoys to bury her face in her blankets |
Teagan has done a fantastic job of adjusting to going to daycare everyday. I on the other hand am definitely missing seeing that adorable little sweetheart throughout the day. But I just love the smiles that I get from both of my kids when I show up at Linda's door to pick them up.
It is still hard to believe that Teagan is 6 months old, but we have definitely enjoyed every single minute of the last 6 months and I cannot wait to see what surprises and changes we will get to experience in the months to come.
Happy 6 Months Teagan......We Love You