At our 20 week sonogram on Tuesday it was confirmed that Baby #2 is a GIRL. And best of all, everything looked great, we have a healthy little girl on the way. The heartbeat was 158 and she was measuring around 20 weeks, 4 days, so she is right on track. Since Nick is out of town with work, my mom and Grandma were able to go to the appointment and share in the excitement. I think this little girl is already taking after me because her arms were constantly moving around, and as I have had many people tell me, I talk with my hands a bit much. Her hands and arms were waving around her face, it almost looked as though she was trying to suck on her hands. It was also pretty cool because when they zoomed in you could see that she was opening and closing her mouth and it also looked like she is going to have some nice lips. It also looked like she is going to have Jack's little round nose.
The bottom of her two feet |
Showing us that she is a girl |
I definitely think that it is safe to say that Nick is absolutely TERRIFIED of having a girl. With time he will get used to the idea. As soon as I left the doctor's office my grandma and I took a ride to Kohl's to spend our Kohl's cash on some adorable pink outfits. This little girl definitely has a good jump start on her wardrobe. We shared the news with the rest of our family by baking some confetti cupcakes and topping them off with some pink frosting. I also took two dozen mini pink cupcakes to work to share the news with my co-workers. It didn't seem that any of my family or co-workers were surprised at the gender because most of them were predicting a girl. Especially since my symptom were so different than they were with Jack.
So now it is onto picking out new bedding for Jack and our new little princess. She will be moving into the room that Jack is currently in and Jack will be moving into one of the bigger bedrooms down the hallway. I already found some girl bedding at Pottery Barn that I really like, and for some reason Nick is against painting her room pink. He said we can paint it yellow, purple, or any other color, but not pink. He thinks it will be too much pink in the house. Little does he know that I have already made my mind up and it is going to be PINK! Sorry Daddy :-( So now it is onto choosing a name. So far some of the names that I have suggested Nick has actually liked, so I don't think it will be too hard.