Monday, February 25, 2013

11 Months Old

At 11 Months old Teagan has become quite a little character.  She is sweet, outgoing, inquisitive, loving and rather social.  I love how smiley and happy she is whenever I get her out of her crib and when she first sees me when I pick her up from Linda's house after work.  It just makes my day. 

Some of her favorite things include her brother, her blankies, green beans, her Mommy and her Grandma Boo.  She likes her daddy, but she likes to play "hard to get" and make him really work for her attention. 

 We have learned that Teagan does not like to sit in her car seat for lengthier car rides.  She pretty much cried and let us know that she was not happy in it the whole way home from Peoria, that was a long car ride to say the least, and Jack somehow managed to sleep through the whole thing.  So it looks like we will be flying and not driving to Florida in June for our Disney Cruise.  

Teagan will walk between the coffee table, ottoman and couch and let go for a couple of steps, but still isn't walking.  I was so afraid that she was going to start walking while we were in Las Vegas, but she didn't, so I guess that is a good thing.  She is still a pretty good eater and she is usually willing to try just about anything that I put out in front of her.  

Getting vaccumed off by Daddy after eating dinner, she is a messy eater
 Teagan's new trick is to pounce on her brother when he is playing on the floor with his cars.  She literally jumps up on him like a cheetah pounces on some small prey.  I really have to keep an eye on them because she will hold on with a mighty grip and lay on his back and Jack will be trying to squirm out of her death grip while he is trying to get away....and the whole time this is going on Teagan is laughing hysterically.  I just love how much they both seem to love one another.  She lights up whenever she sees her brother, and he is always asking about her or asking where she is if he doesn't see her or if she is in her room sleeping.  
Hey that baby looks familiar

Teagan earned her first battle scar this past month.  While a friend was over our house for a visit, Teagan was climbing/sitting on Jack's pottery barn chair, and the chair was in the middle of the room so I really didn't see any harm in it.  Then out of nowhere, Teagan managed to sit up on the chair, lean on the back of the chair causing the chair to tip over and Teagan somehow smacked her head right into our entertainment center....OUCH!!!. I felt terrible, especially since I was literally two feet away from her.  
 Teagan also got her ears pierced this month.  She only cried for a couple of minutes, and I didn't cry at all.  I swear to God I could feel the pain when I heard that gun click on her ears when I was holding her.  

She must not have been too traumatized by the piercing because she was playing in the play area five minutes after it happened
Teagan has become an even bigger Mommy's Girl this past month.  It seems that lately she will start whining/crying if I am not in her direct line of sight.  And then I will hear her crawling around looking for me, crying, whining and pouting, and then as soon as she finds me, she is all smiles.  Yes this is very flattering, but on some days it is a little annoying.......Sorry Teagan :-(   
Here are some pictures from this month......

Happy 11 Months Teagan......We Love You

10 Months Old

Once again I have fallen behind on my monthly blog posts for Teagan....oops! Teagan actually turned 10 months on December 24th.

I cannot believe you are already 10 months old!!! I remember opening presents on Christmas last year and thinking, oh my goodness in 8 short weeks we would finally get to meet you, and now I am trying my best to keep you from bugging your brother too much by getting into his toys and grabbing at him.

Speaking of getting into everything, I for sure thought that she would be walking by now.  Especially the way she will balance on her legs, squat down rather slowly to pick something up and then go back up to the standing position without even swaying at all.  But I guess crawling is getting her everywhere she needs to go. Teagan's new favorite thing to do is to take EVERYTHING either out of the diaper bag or out of her toy basket and just throw the random items all around her.  But I will admit, if I am busy doing something I just let her do it because it is keeping her quiet and I am able to get my things done.  And when the bag or basket is empty, I simply put everything back in it and she starts all over again.  

Teagan still LOVES her blankies and of course she LOVES her brother.  Sometimes when we hear Teagan talking in her crab after her nap, Jack and I will go in to get her out and she just goes crazy and all full of smiles when she realizes that Jack is there.  But I think it is safe to say that Teagan is still a Mommy's girl. 

Being entertained by Jack

Unfortunately Teagan did come down with a little bug this month and she had her first visit to one of the fast care clinics.  Thank goodness for those clinics because my kids always seem to show their true symptoms once the doctor's office is closed or on the weekends.  She had a cold that seemed to settle in her ear causing her to have an ear infection, poor thing. 

Waiting to see the Dr. at the Y Fast Care Clinic
 We are pretty much done with the baby food, so I am having some trouble figuring out what other foods Teagan can eat, but so far she isn't too picky of an eater. 

Teagan still has the prettiest blue eyes, like I have said before I am a little jealous.  Teagan has earned the new nickname Nosy Rosey, she likes to be right in the middle of everything that is going on.  Always checking things out.  

Teagan is still a cuddly and loving little sweetheart.  When you are holding her and she lays her head down to give you a hug, she also pats you on the back with her hand, it is pretty cute.  Teagan has also started saying "uh-oh" when she drops something.  Her new game that she likes to play is to drop her food, sippy cup or anything else she might have on the floor when she is in her high chair and say uh-oh, and then you pick up that item and give it back to her and she just continues to drop it on the floor over and over again.  

I just cannot believe how fast the past 10 months have flown by.  It makes me happy and sad to think that I will be planning your first birthday party in the upcoming weeks, where has the time gone?

Here are some pictures from the past month......

She isn't too fond of the word "NO"

Waiting for the Spring Valley Christmas Parade to start

Waiting to see Santa at Bass was a LONG wait

Happy 10 Months Teagan.......We Love You!!!!